(1) Develop standards for determining eligibility for diagnosis and treatment under this program;
(2) Assist in the regional development, expansion and maintenance of newborn centers, including purchase of equipment, for the diagnosis and treatment of high-risk pregnant women and their fetuses and newborn infants;
(3) Extend financial assistance in order to provide diagnosis of and treatment for pregnant women and their fetuses and newborn infants, by providing necessary medical, surgical, hospital, outpatient clinic and ambulatory services;
(4) Develop a regional system or systems of rapid transportation and referral to the obstetrical and newborn centers from throughout the state for pregnant women and their fetuses and newborns who require life-sustaining care;
(5) Develop or expand regional education and training activities to further facilitate meeting the intent of this part;
(6) Employ all necessary administrative personnel as may be provided in the budget to carry out this part;
(7) Promulgate all rules and regulations necessary to effectuate the purposes of this part;
(8) Develop or expand a communication/consultation system or systems;
(9) In consultation with organizations representing state pediatric physicians, develop appropriate standards for the dissemination of information and educational material about conditions and diseases that commonly affect newborn infants, such as respiratory syncytial virus; and
(10) Assist in the regional development, expansion, and maintenance of specialty level II birthing centers in every health region with certified obstetricians and pediatricians available who are trained in the prevention, early diagnoses, treatment, and stabilization of complications of pregnancy and childbirth.