(1) A licensed wholesaler who has paid any taxes and fees due under §§ 67-3-201 — 67-3-204, may apply for a refund of taxes or fees paid on any petroleum products subsequently sold free of tax to a governmental agency holding an exemption permit issued by the commissioner. A licensed supplier or importer may claim a credit on the distributor report for any taxes or fees paid on any petroleum products sold free of tax to a governmental agency, or may in the alternative file for a refund.
(2) For sales of petroleum products made to governmental agencies from retail stations, the licensed wholesaler, supplier or importer may apply for refund or claim a credit on behalf of a retail vendor.
(1) An application for refund or credit shall be filed with the commissioner, on forms prescribed by the commissioner, on or before the last day of the second month following the month in which the exempt sales were made. All sales in any month on which a refund is due shall be included in one (1) application for refund.
(2) After January 1 and no later than June 30 of any year, a licensed wholesaler, importer or supplier may apply for refund under subsection (a) for any exempt sales made during the previous calendar year on which a claim for refund has not previously been made. Only one (1) such omnibus claim shall be permitted. Such an omnibus claim is designed to allow claimants to secure refunds on items previously omitted on claims filed under subdivision (b)(1). No extension of time to file this omnibus claim shall be allowed.
(c) Applications for refund or credit shall contain all information as required by the commissioner. In addition, all applications must be accompanied by copies of all invoices for sales on which the licensee is applying for refund or claiming a credit. The invoices submitted with any such application shall each contain the exemption permit number for the governmental agency to which the sales were made. The commissioner may allow computer documentation instead of invoices.
(1) Any application for refund submitted to the department that does not comply with any of the provisions set out in subsections (b) and (c) shall not be approved and a refund shall not be granted.
(2) Licensed wholesalers, importers or suppliers shall not be entitled to a refund on sales made to any person who does not hold a valid governmental agency exemption permit at the time of such sale.
(e) Applications for refund made pursuant to this section shall not be subject to § 67-1-707.