(1) “Authority” means the Bledsoe County regional water authority created by this part;
(2) “Board” means the board of directors of the authority;
(3) “Bonds” means bonds, interim certificates or other obligations of the authority issued pursuant to this part including joint obligations of the authority and the county, districts or municipalities;
(4) “County” means Bledsoe County;
(5) “Districts” refers to the Pikeville utility district, the North Bledsoe utility district, the Summer City utility district and the Fall Creek Falls utility district.
(6) “Governing body” means the chief legislative body of a municipality, as defined in this section;
(7) “Municipality” means any county, incorporated city or town, utility district or other municipal, or governmental body or subdivision in this state, thereof now or hereafter authorized by law to be created;
(8) “Notes” means notes or interim certificates of the authority issued pursuant to this part, including joint obligations of the authority and the county and/or districts;
(9) “Person” means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation or any combination thereof;
(10) “Refunding bonds” means refunding bonds issued pursuant to this part, including joint obligations of the authority and the county issued pursuant to this part and title 9, chapter 21, parts 1 and 9, to refund bonds of the authority or bonds issued to refund bonds or notes of the county, the districts or a municipality issued by such county, district or municipality, the proceeds of which were used to construct, acquire, extend, improve or equip all or a portion of a system acquired by the authority or to refund bonds, the proceeds of which were used for such purposes;
(11) “State” means the state of Tennessee; and
(12) “System” means a water and wastewater system, which shall include, but not be limited to:
(A) All devices and systems used in the storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of sewage of residential, commercial and industrial wastes of a liquid nature to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the state's waters;
(B) Any devices and systems used in the treatment and distribution of water, including intercepting sewers, outfall sewers, sewage collection systems, water storage facilities, water transmission lines, pumping, power and other equipment and other appurtenances, extensions, improvements, remodeling, additions and alterations thereof; or
(C) Elements essential to provide a reliable recycled supply, such as standby treatment units and clear well facilities, and any works.