(a) Before a permit to operate a tattoo establishment is granted, the local health department or its duly authorized agent shall inspect the premises in which the business is to be conducted. If the condition of the premises or its equipment does not conform to the requirements of this part, the local health department shall refuse to issue a permit. If the tattoo establishment conforms to the requirements of this part, the local health department or its duly authorized agent shall issue the permit requested.
(b) Each studio where tattoos are administered shall provide a work area separate from any observers present. No smoking or eating shall take place in the tattoo work area. Clients shall be tattooed only while in the tattoo work area.
(c) Adequate restroom facilities for clients and operators shall be provided within each studio.
(d) A sink with hot and cold running water for handwashing and sterilization, other than a bathroom sink, shall be provided. Sinks shall be equipped with an antibacterial solution and single use towels.
(e) All waste products shall be disposed of in accordance with universal precaution guidelines. All needles or other sharp instruments shall be segregated from other wastes and placed in an approved sharps container.
(f) All furniture and fixtures necessary to the practice of tattooing shall be provided and constructed to ensure adequate cleaning and sanitation. Adequate lighting and ventilation shall be provided in the tattoo studio. Equipment necessary to provide for proper aseptic techniques and sterilization shall be provided, including an autoclave in good repair. Floors, ceilings, walls and restrooms shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. The studio and equipment shall be maintained in good repair and the premises shall be kept clean, neat and free of litter and rubbish.