(a) In accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, the board shall promulgate rules that may be reasonably necessary to implement and administer this part in an efficient and effective manner, including rules to require submission of reports and information by certified companies, licensees and registrants under this part.
(b) The board has the power to establish fees under § 62-32-318 sufficient to pay the annual expenses of the board.
(c) The board shall determine minimum qualifications or establish minimum education, experience and training standards for applicants for certifications and licenses under this part, including those required for renewal.
(d) All persons employed by an alarm systems contractor shall apply for registration with the board within thirty (30) days after employment and shall submit to a background check conducted by the board, including investigation by the Tennessee bureau of investigation and the federal bureau of investigation.
(e) The board shall conduct investigations regarding alleged violations and make evaluations as may be necessary to determine if certified companies, licensees and registrants under this part are complying with this part. The board may also investigate allegations regarding possible violations of this part by unregistered persons and shall seek enforcement under § 62-32-320.
(f) The board may investigate allegations regarding improper, inadequate or ineffective alarm system installations and seek enforcement under § 62-32-320.
(g) The board has the power to promulgate rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of this state that it deems necessary for internal management and control.
(h) The board shall investigate and approve applicants to be certified, licensed or registered according to this part.
(i) The board may deny, suspend or revoke any certification, license or registration issued or to be issued under this part to any applicant or licensee who fails to satisfy the requirements of this part or the rules and bylaws established by the board.
(j) The board may issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of pertinent books, accounts, records and documents.
(k) The board may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states whose laws are similar to this part; provided, that the other state's law provides for liability insurance coverage, background checks, educational or experience requirements equal to or greater than those contained in this part. The board through regulations shall establish registration and fee requirements for such reciprocity. The fees shall be equal to or no less than those fees paid by Tennessee alarm contractors.
(l) The board shall provide a procedure for the renewal of registrations issued under this part.