(1) “Department” means the department of commerce and insurance;
(2) “Fire protection sprinkler system” means an assembly of underground or overhead piping or conduit, including fire pumps, valves and fire hydrants, that conveys water or other agents to dispersal openings or devices to extinguish, control or contain fire and to provide protection from exposure to fire or other products of combustion; provided, that “fire protection sprinkler system” does not include public water service mains;
(3) “Fire protection sprinkler system contractor” means a person that contracts, offers to contract or represents that the person is able to contract with a general contractor, subcontractor or the general public for the undertaking of the sale, installation or service of a fire protection sprinkler system or any part of a fire protection sprinkler system or that actually installs or services a fire protection sprinkler system; provided, that an owner of real property on which a fire protection sprinkler system is located or a full-time employee of the owner of real property on which a fire protection sprinkler system is located may perform simple maintenance of the fire protection sprinkler system, such as replacing a sprinkler head;
(4) “Installation” means the initial placement of fire protection equipment or the extension, modification or alteration of equipment after initial placement. “Installation” includes work throughout the entire fire protection sprinkler system;
(5) “Person” means a natural person, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, governmental entity or any other legal entity;
(6) “Responsible managing employee” means an individual who is or is designated to be in active and responsible charge of the work of a fire protection sprinkler system contractor; and
(7) “Work in progress” means any work for which bids are complete and a contractual agreement has been reached among the parties but the necessary labor to fulfill the contract is not yet complete.