(a) In addition to other powers granted in this charter, the city council has the power to contract and cooperate with any other municipality or other political subdivision of the state, or with an elective or appointive official thereof, or with any duly authorized agency of the federal or state government for:
(1) The planning, development, construction, acquisition, or operation of any public improvement, utility, or facility;
(2) A common public service;
(3) Having the same individuals serve as officers or employees in more than one (1) political subdivision or federal or state agency, or any of these subdivisions or agencies, on a part-time basis in each;
(4) The construction or operation of federally-owned utilities and other property on behalf of the federal government;
(5) The acquisition by gift or by transfer or by purchase of federal property and if by purchase for the financing of its acquisition;
(6) Entering into contracts relating to acceptance of payments in lieu of taxes or state, federal, or other contributions; and
(7) The furnishing of services to the federal government and its designees, outside the city limits as well as within.
(b) The subject and purpose of any such contract or cooperative action made and entered into by the council shall be within the scope of the powers of the city.