(1) For the purpose of uninsured motor vehicle coverage, “uninsured motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle whose ownership, maintenance, or use has resulted in the bodily injury, death, or damage to property of an insured, and for which the sum of the limits of liability available to the insured under all valid and collectible insurance policies, bonds, and securities applicable to the bodily injury, death, or damage to property is less than the applicable limits of uninsured motorist coverage provided to the insured under the policy against which the claim is made; and
(2) “Uninsured motor vehicle” does not include a motor vehicle:
(A) Insured under the liability coverage of the same policy of which the uninsured motor vehicle coverage is a part;
(B) Owned by, or furnished for the regular use of, the insured or any resident spouse or resident relative in the same household;
(C) Self-insured within the meaning of the Tennessee Financial Responsibility Law, compiled in title 55, chapter 12, or any similar state or federal law;
(D) Designed for use mainly off public roads or any off-highway vehicle, as defined in § 55-8-101, except while the vehicle is operated on public roads pursuant to § 55-8-185 or other law; or
(E) While located for use as premises.
(b) Notwithstanding any other law, the applicable limits of liability for a governmental unit, political subdivision or agency thereof for claims arising out of the operation of a motor vehicle shall be considered as liability coverage available under a valid and collectible insurance policy.