(1) “Citation” means any citation, summons, ticket, or other document issued by an arresting officer for violation of a traffic law, ordinance, rule, or regulation, ordering the arrested motorist to appear in court or before a magistrate;
(2) “Collateral” or “bond” means any cash or other security deposited to secure an appearance for trial, following a citation by an arresting officer for violation of a traffic law, ordinance, rules or regulation;
(3) “Commissioner” means the commissioner of safety;
(4) “Department” means department of safety;
(5) “License” means any operator's or chauffeur's permit or any other license or permit to operate a motor vehicle issued under the laws of a reciprocating state including:
(A) Any temporary or learner's permit;
(B) The privilege of any person to drive a motor vehicle whether or not the person holds a valid license; and
(C) Any nonresident's operating privilege conferred upon a nonresident of a state pertaining to the operation by the person of a motor vehicle in that state;
(6) “Nonresident” refers only to a person who is a resident of or holds an operator's or chauffeur's license issued by a reciprocating state;
(7) “Personal recognizance” means a signed agreement by an arrested motorist that the motorist will comply with the terms of the citation served upon the motorist at the time of arrest;
(8) “Reciprocating state” means any state that extends by its laws or by written agreement with this state to residents of this state substantially the rights and privileges provided by this part; and
(9) “State” means the state of Tennessee.