Every person subject to § 55-21-202 shall post the following notice in a manner and in a single location that is conspicuous to a driver seeking refueling service: SERVICE TO DISABLED PERSONS Disabled drivers properly displaying a handicapped parking placard or plate are entitled to request and receive refueling service at the self-service pumps of this gas station for which they may not be charged more than the self-service price.
SERVICE TO DISABLED PERSONS Disabled drivers properly displaying a handicapped parking placard or plate are entitled to request and receive refueling service at the self-service pumps of this gas station for which they may not be charged more than the self-service price.
Disabled drivers properly displaying a handicapped parking placard or plate are entitled to request and receive refueling service at the self-service pumps of this gas station for which they may not be charged more than the self-service price.