(a) The governing body of the district shall consist of five (5) supervisors, elected or appointed, as provided in §§ 43-14-212 and 43-14-216. The two (2) supervisors appointed by the committee shall be persons who are, by training and experience, qualified to perform the specialized skilled service that will be required of them in the performance of their duties under this part.
(b) The supervisors shall designate a chair and may, from time to time, change such designation. The term of office of each supervisor shall be three (3) years, but the terms of office of the two (2) supervisors who are appointed by the committee shall not expire concurrently. A supervisor shall hold office until a successor has been elected or appointed and has qualified. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. The selection of successors to fill an unexpired term, or for a full term, shall be made in the same manner in which the retiring supervisors shall, respectively, have been selected. A majority of the supervisors shall constitute a quorum and the concurrence of a majority in any matter within their duties shall be required for its determination. Supervisors shall each receive the sum of thirty dollars ($30.00) per day for attending the meetings of the district; provided, that the total of such compensation to any member shall not exceed three hundred sixty dollars ($360) per year. This sum shall be in lieu of any and all other compensation for expenses.
(c) The supervisors may employ a secretary, technical experts and such other officers, agents and employees, permanent and temporary, as they may require, and shall determine their qualifications, duties and compensation. The supervisors may call upon the attorney general and reporter for such legal services as they may require. The supervisors may delegate to their chair, to one (1) or more supervisors, or to one (1) or more agents or employees, such powers and duties as they may deem proper. The supervisors shall furnish to the state soil conservation committee, upon request, copies of such ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, contracts, forms and other documents as they shall adopt or employ, and such other information concerning their activities as it may require in the performance of its duties under this part.
(d) The supervisors shall provide for the execution of surety bonds for all employees and officers who shall be entrusted with funds or property; shall provide for the keeping of a full and accurate record of all proceedings and of all resolutions, regulations and orders issued or adopted; and shall provide for an annual audit of the accounts of receipts and disbursements. Any supervisor may be removed by the state soil conservation committee upon notice and hearing for neglect of duty or malfeasance in office, but for no other reason.
(e) The supervisors may invite the legislative body of any municipality or county, located near the territory comprised within the district, to designate a representative to advise and consult with the supervisors of the district on all questions of program and policy that may affect the property, water supply, or other interests of such municipality or county.