(a) In addition to correctional personnel from other jurisdictions within the state, students pursuing a degree with a major in any field within the area of criminal justice in a college or university of this state should also be eligible for enrollment and training at the institute, the same as if they were correctional personnel.
(b) The institute may charge reasonable fees to cover costs of any food, lodging, instrumental materials, equipment or services furnished to trainees, as may be established by the board.
(c) A fee of ten cents (10¢) shall be collected for each completed telephone call made by an inmate housed in a local jail or workhouse. Such fees shall be remitted by the telephone service provider to the state treasurer each quarter and credited to a special account in the state general fund designated as the local correctional officer training fund to be used exclusively to fund certification training provided through the institute for local correctional personnel within the state. The institute’s board of control shall approve all expenditures from the fund. Funds deposited in the account shall not revert to the general fund at the end of any fiscal year. On or before February 1, 2013, and by February 1 of each subsequent year, the institute shall report to the chairs of the state and local government and finance, ways and means committees of the senate and the local government and finance, ways and means committees of the house of representatives on the fund’s reserves and expenditures, which report shall include at least the following information for the prior calendar year:
(1) The amount of available reserves;
(2) The amount of expenditures made from the fund; and
(3) The manner of making such expenditures.