(1) No later than February 1, 2009, the council shall submit a report regarding the status of the development of a plan for a statewide system of care for children's mental health. The report shall include, but not be limited to:
(A) The timeline for development of the overall plan;
(B) Barriers to implementation of such a plan, if any;
(C) A list of all programs currently in place to serve and support children's mental health needs and whether those programs are evidence-based, research-based or theory-based;
(D) The status of interagency cooperation relative to a system of children's mental health care throughout the state; and
(E) A financial resource map of all current federal and state funded programs that support or serve children with mental health needs in the state.
(2) The report shall also include cost analysis information produced in accordance with § 37-3-112(d) and shall provide recommendations for improving efficiency in the use of existing state and federal funds by increasing coordination of children's mental health care with other child-focused service delivery systems.
(b) No later than July 1, 2010, the council shall submit a plan prepared in accordance with § 37-3-112 and a budget for implementing the plan. The plan shall provide for demonstration sites in at least three (3) areas of the state, with at least one (1) area to be in each grand division. If the plan submitted by July 1, 2010, is approved and funded by the legislature no later than July 1, 2012, the council shall submit a plan and budget for extending the demonstration sites to a total of no less than ten (10) areas of the state selected by the council. If the plan submitted by July 1, 2012, is approved and funded by the legislature, no later than July 1, 2013, the council shall submit a plan that will accomplish implementation of the system of children's mental health care statewide. The council shall create and submit with each plan current financial resource maps and cost analysis, and the information shall be required to accompany any recommendations the council makes regarding the continued development of a statewide system of children's mental health care.
(c) The plan, budget and report required by subsections (a) and (b) shall be submitted to the governor, the judiciary, education, and health and welfare committees of the senate and the judiciary, education, and health committees of the house of representatives.