(a) In those counties in which the general sessions court is also the juvenile court, the clerk of the court exercising juvenile jurisdiction in such counties prior to May 19, 1982, shall serve as clerk of the general sessions court when it is exercising juvenile jurisdiction after May 19, 1982, unless otherwise provided by law. No later than July 1, 2006, in those counties in which the general sessions court is also the juvenile court, the clerk of the court of general sessions or the clerk and master shall also serve as the juvenile court clerk, unless otherwise provided by law. Such clerks shall maintain separate minutes, dockets and records for all matters pertaining to juvenile court proceedings as required by law. County legislative bodies may, in their discretion, provide additional compensation to general sessions court judges in such counties.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the clerk who is serving as clerk of the court with juvenile jurisdiction in any county having a population of not less than forty-six thousand eight hundred (46,800) nor more than forty-six thousand nine hundred (46,900), according to the 2000 federal census of population or any subsequent federal census, on June 30, 2003, shall continue to serve as the clerk of the court with juvenile jurisdiction after July 1, 2003.
(c) The second sentence of subsection (a) and the provisions of subsection (b) shall not apply in counties having a population, according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, of:
(d) Nothing in the second sentence of subsection (a) and the provisions of subsection (b) shall be construed as affecting special juvenile courts authorized by law or elected juvenile court clerks.