(a) Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the certification from the department under § 36-5-705 shall be a basis for the denial, suspension or revocation of a license, for refusal to issue or reinstate a license by a licensing authority or for the issuance of a restricted license.
(b) The licensing authority shall notify, without undue delay, by regular mail, an obligor certified from the department under § 36-5-705, that:
(1) The obligor's application for the issuance, renewal or reinstatement of a license has been denied;
(2) The obligor's current license has been suspended or revoked because the obligor's name has been certified by the department as an obligor who is not in compliance with an order of support; or
(3) The obligor's current driver license has been revoked because the obligor's name has been certified by the department as an obligor who is not in compliance with an order of support but eligible for a restricted license. The notice shall include information on the process for obtaining a restricted license and paying any restricted license fee required by the department of human services.
(c) A notice of suspension must specify the reason and statutory grounds for the suspension and the effective date of the suspension and may include any other notices prescribed by the licensing authority. The notice must also inform the individual that in order to apply for issuance, renewal or reinstatement of the license, the individual must obtain a release from the department of human services in accordance with § 36-5-707.
(d) A notice to the obligor by the licensing authority to revoke, restrict, deny, suspend, or refuse to renew or reinstate a license after receipt of the notice of noncompliance from the department shall not be appealable under the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, part 3.