(1) “Council” means the state family support council appointed under § 33-5-208;
(2) “Family” means a unit that consists of either a person with a severe or developmental disability and the parent, relative, or other care giver who resides in the same household or a person with a severe or developmental disability who lives alone without such support;
(3) “Family support” means goods and services needed by families to care for their family members with a severe or developmental disability and to enjoy a quality of life comparable to other community members;
(4) “Family support program” means a coordinated system of family support services administered by the department directly or through contracts;
(5) “Severe disability” means a disability that is functionally similar to a developmental disability but occurred after the person was twenty-two (22) years of age; and
(6) “State family support council” means the council established by the department to carry out the responsibilities specified in this part.