(1) The clerk of the circuit court of the county shall be the jury coordinator unless the judge or judges who hold circuit or criminal court in such county appoint someone other than the clerk to serve as the jury coordinator. The jury coordinator, whether it be the clerk or a person appointed by the judges, shall perform all the duties required of the jury coordinator by this title. However, the judges may, in their discretion, distribute the jury coordinator's duties between the circuit court clerk and an appointed jury coordinator.
(2) Before entering upon the duties as jury coordinator, the clerk of the circuit court, or the person filling any separate jury coordinator position, shall take and subscribe, before an officer authorized to administer oaths, the following oath:
(3) If the circuit court clerk serving as jury coordinator becomes ill or is absent for any cause when the jury coordinator's services are required, the clerk's deputy may take the oath prescribed for the jury coordinator and thereafter perform the jury coordinator duties in the clerk's absence. If the jury coordinator is a person other than the circuit court clerk, the circuit court clerk may serve as jury coordinator in the jury coordinator's absence after taking the required oath.
(b) If the judges appoint a person other than the circuit court clerk to serve as jury coordinator, compensation for the jury coordinator shall be set by the legislative body of the county or the legislative body of the metropolitan government of any county having a metropolitan form of government.