1. ____
2. Legal Residence ____
3. City ____ County ____
4. Mailing Address if different from Legal Residence.
5. Social Security number, if any ____
6. Date and place of birth ____
7. Are you a citizen of the United States? ____
8. Where were you last registered to vote?
City ____ County ____ State ____
9. Are you a resident of the State of Tennessee? ____
10. Have you ever been convicted of a crime which is a felony in this state, by a court in this state, a court in another state, or a federal court?
11. If the answer to question ten (10) is “yes,” list the crime, or crimes, for which you were convicted, and date, or dates, of conviction. ____
12. If the answer to question ten (10) is “yes,” have you received a pardon or had your full rights of citizenship restored by a court for all crimes listed?