(1) Hold hearings, conduct audits, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and compel production of books, correspondence, papers and other records;
(2) Issue written advisory opinions concerning compliance with this chapter, which may be relied upon without threat of sanction with respect to the issue addressed by the opinion, if the candidate or committee conforms the candidate's or committee's conduct to the requirements of the advisory opinion. Such advisory opinions shall be posted on the web site of the registry of election finance;
(3) In determining whether an actual violation has occurred, conduct a contested case hearing;
(4) Issue an appropriate order following a determination;
(5) Assess a late filing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day up to a maximum total penalty of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750);
(6) Assess a civil penalty for any violation of the disclosure laws as provided by this part. Civil penalties may be assessed for any violation of the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act, compiled in part 1 of this chapter, and the Campaign Contribution Limits Act, compiled in part 3 of this chapter; provided, that the registry shall only have the power to assess a civil penalty after notice and opportunity for hearing; and
(7) Where the results of its investigation indicate a criminal act may have occurred, the registry shall refer the matter to the appropriate district attorney general for criminal prosecution.