(a) Upon filing of civil warrants, writs and other papers, the clerk of the general sessions court in which the civil warrants, writs or other papers are filed, shall issue the required process, writs or other papers, and cause it or them, with necessary copies of the civil warrant, writ or papers, to be delivered for service to the person authorized to serve process as may be designated by the party filing the civil warrant, writ or other papers or the party's attorney if represented by counsel. The authorized person shall serve the civil warrant, writ or other papers, and the return endorsed on the warrant, writ or other papers shall be proof of the time and manner of service. A civil warrant, writ or other papers may be issued for service in any county, against any defendant or additional defendants.
(b) A civil warrant, attachment or any other leading process used to initiate an action in general sessions court and subpoenas or summons may be served by any person designated by the party or the party's attorney, if represented by counsel, who is not a party to the action and is not less than eighteen (18) years of age. Service of other process and orders of the courts of this state shall be by sheriffs, constables or as provided by law. If service of process is made by a sheriff, constable, or other law enforcement officer, the process server must be identified by name and agency on the service return or in a supplemental affidavit. If service of process is made by a private process server, the process server must be identified by name and a mailing or physical address on the service return or in a supplemental affidavit. Failure of the process server to include this information does not render the service invalid if the service is otherwise valid, but the court may require a private process server to provide the private process server's mailing or physical address to the party on whom process was served.
(c) Nothing in this section shall affect existing laws with respect to venue.