(a) Any person owning “open space land” as defined in § 67-5-1004 may donate to the state an open space easement limiting the future use of the land. The commissioner may accept such easement on behalf of the state, imposing such restrictions and limitations on the future use of the land as the commissioner and the owner may agree on and which may further the purposes of this section and §§ 11-14-201, 11-15-108, 67-5-509, 67-5-601, 67-5-602, and 67-5-1001 — 67-5-1009. Before accepting the easement, the commissioner shall consult with the state planning office and the appropriate planning commission having jurisdiction over the land, and the director and the planning commission shall advise the commissioner if the preservation of the land in an open space condition is contrary to the public interest. The advice rendered by such planning commission shall be in accordance with the provisions and recommendations of an officially adopted land use plan or the land use element, as described in § 13-3-301, of an officially adopted plan for physical development. Where no such officially adopted land use plan or land use element of an officially adopted plan exists, such advice shall be rendered in accordance with the principles of sound land use planning and shall be made in the form of an officially adopted policy statement of the planning commission. Where no such planning commission exists, the Tennessee local government planning advisory committee shall exercise the same authority as where such a planning commission otherwise legally exists.
(b) The commissioner shall encourage, if appropriate, but shall not require, conditions in the agreement which shall provide for some form of limited public use. Such uses may include, but shall not be limited to, provisions for youth groups, garden clubs, school classes or similar groups to conduct nature studies, hikes, or field trips on the land.
(c) When the commissioner accepts such an open space easement, the commissioner shall cause it to be recorded with the register of deeds in the county in which the land is situated, and shall notify the assessors of property for the county or municipality in which the land is situated and it shall be assessed as provided in § 67-5-1009.