(a) Unless an adventure tourism professional or business acts intentionally or with gross negligence or is in violation of this part, or any other laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules or regulations pertaining to adventure tourism, which intentional or grossly negligent act or omission or violation is causal of the injury complained of, no action shall lie against any such professional or business by any adventure tourism activity participant or representative of an adventure tourism activity participant; this prohibition shall not, however, prevent the maintenance of an action against an adventure tourism professional or business for negligent design, construction or operation maintenance.
(b) Each adventure tourism professional or business shall maintain general liability insurance with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence.
(c) Each adventure tourism professional or business shall post and maintain signs that contain the warning notice specified in subsection (d). The signs shall be placed in clearly visible locations at such businesses. The warning notice specified in subsection (d) shall appear on the sign in black letters, with each letter to be a minimum of one inch (1″) in height. In addition to any other waivers or warnings signed by participants, every written contract entered into by an adventure tourism professional or business for the providing of professional services, instruction, or the rental of equipment to a participant, whether or not the contract involves activities on or off the location or site of the adventure tourism professional's business, shall contain in clearly readable print the warning notice specified in subsection (d).
(d) The signs and contracts described in subsection (c) shall contain the following warning notice:
(e) No action shall be maintained against an adventure tourism professional or business complying with this section unless such action is commenced within one (1) year from the date of injury.