(a) The department of environment and conservation has the full power to acquire by gift, devise or purchase, or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, areas, properties, lands, or any estate or interest therein, of scenic beauty, material or recreational utility, historic interest, remarkable phenomena or any other unusual features which in the judgment of the department should be acquired, preserved, and maintained for the use, observation, education, health, and pleasure of the people of Tennessee; provided, that such authority of acquisition shall be within the limits of any appropriations which may be made by the general assembly for the purchase of such properties, and the department shall have no power to purchase or contract for the purchase of any property beyond the amount contained in such appropriation.
(b) The department has the power to institute and prosecute on behalf of the state of Tennessee any proceedings in the exercise of the power of eminent domain for the acquisition of such properties for public use in accordance with the laws relating to the exercise of such right and power.
(c) All contracts shall be made and all titles shall be taken in the name of the state of Tennessee. The title shall be examined and approved by the attorney general and reporter before any property shall be purchased or acquired by condemnation.
(d) The department may make recommendations to the general assembly of any other areas or properties for acquisition for which no appropriation may be made.
(e) The department shall make diligent effort to obtain by gift lands or other property for park purposes.
(f) All areas or properties so acquired shall be taken and held by the state for park purposes and the control and management thereof shall be vested in the department.