(a) Beginning April 1, 2014, in all cases where a public notice or legal notice is required to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, the newspaper shall for the same price post the complete notice:
(1) On the newspaper's web site, where it shall be published contemporaneously with the notice's first print publication and will remain on the web site for at least as long as the notice appears in the newspaper; and
(2) On a statewide web site established and maintained as a joint venture of the majority of Tennessee newspapers as a repository for such notices and will remain on the repository web site for at least as long as it appears in the newspaper. Any newspaper of general circulation that meets the criteria of this subsection (a) shall have access to the statewide web site at no charge.
(b) Any such notice shall be published online in its entirety, including maps and other exhibits, and shall include the date on which it was first printed in the newspaper.
(c) An error in a notice placed on the newspaper web site or statewide web site, or temporary web site outages or service interruptions prohibiting the posting or display of such notice shall be considered harmless error and proper legal notice requirements shall be considered met if the notice published in the newspaper is correct.
(d) Each newspaper of general circulation publishing public notices shall include on its web site home page a link to its public notice section and shall include on its public notice home page a link to the statewide public notice web site.
(e) Any notice published on a web site pursuant to subdivisions (a)(1) and (2) shall be accessible to the public at no charge.