42-7-102. Interstate combined wagering pool--Take-out of host jurisdiction or facility--Percentage to state. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the commission may authorize any licensee to participate in an interstate combined wagering pool with one or more other racing jurisdictions. If a licensee participates in an interstate combined wagering pool, the licensee may adopt the take-out of the host jurisdiction or facility. The State of South Dakota shall receive one and one-half percent of the total contributed in this state, and the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota-bred racing fund shall each receive one and one-half percent of the total contributed in this state. However, if the licensee participating in the interstate combined wagering pool is a multi-jurisdictional totalizator hub, the total portion to be received by the state shall be one-fourth of one percent of the total contributed through the hub, of which the special racing revolving fund shall receive one-fifth of one percent of the total contributed through the hub and the South Dakota-bred racing fund shall receive one-twentieth of one percent of the total contributed through the hub. Any such interstate combined wagering pool may only apply to horse and dog racing authorized by this chapter.
Source: SL 1991, ch 350, § 2; SL 1995, ch 241; SL 2005, ch 229, § 9.