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U.S. State Codes
Title 21 - Judicial Remedies
Chapter 49 - Short-Term Redemption Mortgages
Chapter 49 - Short-Term Redemption Mortgages
§ 21-49-1 to 21-49-10. Repealed.
§ 21-49-11 Foreclosure alternatives available on small tracts subject to chapter--Mortgages under earlier law.
§ 21-49-12 Clause subjecting mortgage to chapter--Caption required--Mortgagor's right to possession of property during redemption period.
§ 21-49-13 Provisions includable in mortgage--Satisfaction of notice requirements.
§ 21-49-14 Forms of mortgages authorized--Address and description requirements not applicable.
§ 21-49-15 Commencement of foreclosure or satisfaction action--Service of process on nonresident defendant--Required defendants.
§ 21-49-16 Service by publication.
§ 21-49-17 Joinder of other persons liable--Judgment and enforcement of judgment as against mortgagor.
§ 21-49-18 Other recovery proceedings to be stated in complaint.
§ 21-49-19 Money judgment as precluding foreclosure unless execution remains unsatisfied.
§ 21-49-20 Recovery proceedings not allowed pending foreclosure action.
§ 21-49-21 Time for defendant's answer.
§ 21-49-22 Injunction against injury to property--Duration.
§ 21-49-23 Judgment rendered for amount due and costs--Sale of property and delivery to purchaser--Lien priorities.
§ 21-49-24 Sale by court-appointed officer--Levy not required.
§ 21-49-25 Notice of sale--Contents.
§ 21-49-26 Mortgagee may purchase at sale--Bid required.
§ 21-49-27 Bid of less than full debt amount--Requirements--Execution for deficiency.
§ 21-49-28 Foreclosure as complete satisfaction of debt.
§ 21-49-29 Application of sale proceeds.
§ 21-49-30 Certificate of sale to purchaser--Contents--Recording--Commencement of redemption period.
§ 21-49-31 Redemption defined.
§ 21-49-32 Waste of property restrained during redemption period.
§ 21-49-33 Right of judgment debtor and lien holders to redeem.
§ 21-49-34 Payments by persons redeeming.
§ 21-49-35 Notice of redemption--Form--Recording.
§ 21-49-36 Certificate of redemption--Contents.
§ 21-49-37 Recording certificate of redemption.
§ 21-49-38 Deed issued after short redemption or abandonment period--Maximum period.
§ 21-49-39 Repealed.
§ 21-49-40 Citation of chapter.
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