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U.S. State Codes
Title 59 - Education
Chapter 21 - State Aid For Schools
Chapter 21 - State Aid For Schools
Section 59-21-10. "School" defined.
Section 59-21-20. Appropriation for teacher salaries based on term of 190 days.
Section 59-21-30. Schools operating times; minimum average daily attendance.
Section 59-21-40. Partial participation of small schools.
Section 59-21-50. Participation of small schools which cannot be consolidated.
Section 59-21-60. Part-time teachers not covered.
Section 59-21-90. Computation of years of experience of teachers.
Section 59-21-100. Effect of time spent in graduate school on computation of years of teaching experience.
Section 59-21-110. Allowance for supervision and overhead.
Section 59-21-120. Allowance for maintenance and operation.
Section 59-21-130. Disbursement to counties.
Section 59-21-140. State Fiscal Accountability Authority may borrow in anticipation of revenue.
Section 59-21-150. Reimbursement of district principals, teachers, and instructional supervisors for cost of college courses in field of specialization.
Section 59-21-160. State appropriations for school district employer contributions; calculation of allocations to individual school districts.
Section 59-21-310. Definitions.
Section 59-21-320. Annual grant for financing needed capital improvements.
Section 59-21-330. Obligation to make grants subordinate to State school bonds.
Section 59-21-340. Application of grants.
Section 59-21-350. Purposes for which grants may be used.
Section 59-21-355. Appropriations to Education Improvement Act building aid; allocation; transfer; trust fund.
Section 59-21-360. County plans of necessary capital improvements or tax relief.
Section 59-21-370. Applications for funds.
Section 59-21-380. Remittance and disbursement of funds.
Section 59-21-390. Employment of architects and other personnel.
Section 59-21-400. Rules and regulations.
Section 59-21-410. Letting of contracts.
Section 59-21-420. Funds for renovation, capital improvement, or repair of classrooms, or reduction of millage as to bonds.
Section 59-21-430. Use of funds within specified time.
Section 59-21-440. Monthly reporting on approved expenditures and compliance with tax reduction requirement.
Section 59-21-450. Allocation of unexpended funds or operating surplus in Education Improvement Act fund to school building aid program.
Section 59-21-510. Definitions.
Section 59-21-520. Supervision and expansion of special education program by State Department of Education.
Section 59-21-530. State Superintendent authorized to employ additional personnel; salaries.
Section 59-21-540. Special educational services for which State aid allowed.
Section 59-21-550. Qualifications of teachers.
Section 59-21-560. Annual surveys and determination of eligibility for special education services by local school authorities.
Section 59-21-570. Districts may operate programs singly or jointly; eligibility of district for State aid.
Section 59-21-580. Rules, regulations, and policies of State Board of Education.
Section 59-21-590. Confidentiality of data on handicapped children.
Section 59-21-600. Distribution of funds for educational services to mentally handicapped pupils.
Section 59-21-710. State aid authorized for employment of school psychologists.
Section 59-21-720. Psychologists shall have certificates.
Section 59-21-730. Payment of State aid; amount.
Section 59-21-740. Eligibility for State aid; amount of State aid for which school may otherwise qualify not affected.
Section 59-21-750. Psychologist employed by State Department of Education.
Section 59-21-760. Rules and regulations.
Section 59-21-1010. Disposition and allocation of revenues; special vote required to amend or repeal this section.
Section 59-21-1020. Department of Education to monitor and audit disbursements; reversion of unexpended appropriations.
Section 59-21-1030. Level of financial effort per pupil required of each school district; application for waiver.
Section 59-21-1040. Compensation and employer contributions; funding.
Section 59-21-1210. Campus incentive program established; funding.
Section 59-21-1220. Guidelines for development of program; campus incentive advisory committee; distribution of funds; regulations.