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U.S. State Codes
Title 59 - Education
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 59-1-10. Short title.
Section 59-1-20. Purpose of South Carolina School Code.
Section 59-1-30. Construction.
Section 59-1-40. Scope of State system of public education.
Section 59-1-50. Educational achievement goals for high school graduates and students.
Section 59-1-110. "Private school" defined.
Section 59-1-120. "Public school" defined.
Section 59-1-130. "Teacher" defined.
Section 59-1-140. "Teacher aide" defined.
Section 59-1-150. "Kindergarten," "elementary school," "middle school," "secondary school," "junior high school," and "high school" defined.
Section 59-1-160. "School district" defined.
Section 59-1-170. "State Board" defined.
Section 59-1-180. "State Educational Finance Commission" defined.
Section 59-1-190. "State Department" defined.
Section 59-1-200. "Scholastic year" defined.
Section 59-1-310. Superintendents of education may administer oaths and probate certain papers.
Section 59-1-320. Display of United States and State flags.
Section 59-1-330. Pledge to State flag.
Section 59-1-340. Meetings of boards of trustees and boards of education.
Section 59-1-350. Compensation of members of boards of trustees and boards of education.
Section 59-1-360. Audiovisual properties may be loaned.
Section 59-1-370. Closing of educational institutions on general election day.
Section 59-1-380. Mandatory tobacco and alternative nicotine product-free local school board policy.
Section 59-1-390. Courses necessitating wearing of protective eye devices; purchase of devices; protective-corrective devices.
Section 59-1-400. Sick leave for public school employees.
Section 59-1-403. Restoration of sick leave of certain employees who changed employment from school district to State Department of Education.
Section 59-1-405. Distribution of contraceptives on school grounds prohibited.
Section 59-1-410. "Teacher Recognition Day."
Section 59-1-425. Beginning and length of school term; make-up days; waiver; instructional days.
Section 59-1-435. Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act.
Section 59-1-441. Policy to permit student to deliver message.
Section 59-1-442. Policy to permit opening or closing message at school-sponsored athletic events.
Section 59-1-443. Schools shall provide minute of mandatory silence at beginning of each school day.
Section 59-1-445. Violations of mandatory test security; penalties; investigations.
Section 59-1-447. Regulations for mandatory test security procedures.
Section 59-1-448. Use of appropriated funds to raise salaries of principals or career and technology school directors.
Section 59-1-449. State Department of Education to report state and local funding requirements to local entities.
Section 59-1-450. Parent education programs.
Section 59-1-451. Costs of the Target 2000-School Reform for the Next Decade Act; provisions not mandatory; local school districts not prohibited from implementing similar provisions.
Section 59-1-452. Public school employee cost savings program.
Section 59-1-453. Oversight Committee.
Section 59-1-454. Parental involvement program; parent/teacher conferences.
Section 59-1-455. Time for pledge of allegiance required.
Section 59-1-460. Excused school attendance for religious instruction.
Section 59-1-470. Distribution of funds for deferred compensation.
Section 59-1-475. Continuing education on domestic violence; adoption as part of curriculum by school districts.
Section 59-1-480. Lapsed funds; priority of use.
Section 59-1-490. Data use and governance policy.
Section 59-1-495. Committee to review Title 59 and related federal laws.
Section 59-1-510. Guidelines and regulations for recruiting and hiring staff in professional areas.
Section 59-1-520. Intervention by State Department of Education for non-compliance with EIA or development of affirmative action plan.
Section 59-1-525. Grant program to enhance teaching of grade specific standards and increase K-5 performance in core academic areas; criteria.