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U.S. State Codes
Title 57 - Highways, Bridge...
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 57-1-10. Definitions.
Section 57-1-20. Establishment of Department of Transportation; divisions.
Section 57-1-30. Functions and purposes of department.
Section 57-1-40. Prohibited acts; penalties.
Section 57-1-50. Assent to federal aid for construction of highways and related transportation projects.
Section 57-1-60. Duties of Governor with respect to highway safety transportation programs and activities.
Section 57-1-70. Department to act in compliance with Federal Aid Highway Act.
Section 57-1-80. List of all public railroad crossings and upgrades; publication on website; installation of railroad signals and crossing arms.
Section 57-1-90. Motorcycles.
Section 57-1-310. Commission of the Department of Transportation; composition; qualifications.
Section 57-1-320. Consecutive terms; limit on commissioners from same county.
Section 57-1-325. Submittal of district appointees; meeting of legislative delegation to approve or disapprove appointee.
Section 57-1-330. Commissioners' terms.
Section 57-1-340. Oath of commissioner.
Section 57-1-350. Seal; rules and procedures; officers; expenses.
Section 57-1-360. Chief internal auditor; standards for audits; staff and office space.
Section 57-1-370. Development of long-range Statewide Transportation Plan; preservation and improvement of existing system.
Section 57-1-380. Transportation Asset Management Plan.
Section 57-1-410. Appointment of Secretary of Transportation.
Section 57-1-430. Duties and powers; employment of personnel.
Section 57-1-440. Chief counsel; staff attorneys; independent adjusters.
Section 57-1-450. Appointment of directors.
Section 57-1-460. Repealed.
Section 57-1-470. Repealed.
Section 57-1-490. Annual audits.
Section 57-1-500. Ethics workshop.
Section 57-1-710 to 57-1-760. Repealed.