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U.S. State Codes
Title 44 - Health
Chapter 20 - South Carolina Intellectual Disabi...
Chapter 20 - South Carolina Intellectual Disability, Related Disabilities, Head Injuries, And Spinal Cord Injuries Act
Section 44-20-10. Short title.
Section 44-20-20. Purpose of chapter.
Section 44-20-30. Definitions.
Section 44-20-210. Creation of South Carolina Commission on Disabilities and Special Needs; membership; terms of office; removal; vacancies.
Section 44-20-220. Duties of Commission; per diem; appointment of Director of Disabilities and Special Needs; advisory committees.
Section 44-20-230. Powers and duties of director.
Section 44-20-240. Creation of Department of Disabilities and Special Needs; divisions.
Section 44-20-250. Powers and duties of Department.
Section 44-20-255. Ownership of property confirmed in Department of Disabilities and Special Needs; retention of subsequent sales proceeds.
Section 44-20-260. Research programs.
Section 44-20-270. Administration of federal funds.
Section 44-20-280. Contracts for expansion of service.
Section 44-20-290. Security guards; powers; bonds.
Section 44-20-300. Motor vehicle liability insurance for employees of department.
Section 44-20-310. Sale of timber from forest lands; disposition of funds.
Section 44-20-320. Acceptance of gifts, etc. by department; policies and regulations.
Section 44-20-330. Granting of easements, permits, or rights-of-way by department.
Section 44-20-340. Records and reports pertaining to client; confidentiality of information; waiver.
Section 44-20-350. Reimbursement to State for its fiscal outlay on behalf of department; charge for services; hearing and review procedures; collection of claims.
Section 44-20-355. Fee for Intermediate Care Facilities for persons with intellectual disability; proceeds to general fund.
Section 44-20-360. Midlands Center, Coastal Center, Pee Dee Center, and Whitten Center designated as independent school districts.
Section 44-20-365. Closing regional centers to be authorized by law.
Section 44-20-370. Notification of applicant qualifying for services; county programs; training programs.
Section 44-20-375. County boards of disabilities and special needs; establishment; recognition.
Section 44-20-378. Composition of board; tenure.
Section 44-20-380. Funds for county boards of disabilities and special needs.
Section 44-20-385. Additional powers and duties of county boards of disabilities and special needs.
Section 44-20-390. Initial intake and assessment service for person believed to be in need of services; service plans; residency requirements.
Section 44-20-400. Admission of person to services of Department for evaluation and diagnosis; form for application.
Section 44-20-410. Requirement for admission to services.
Section 44-20-420. Designation of service or program in which client is placed.
Section 44-20-430. Final authority over applicant eligibility.
Section 44-20-440. Admission of client upon request of parent, spouse, lawful custodian or legal guardian, or upon request of applicant.
Section 44-20-450. Proceedings for involuntary admission; petition; hearing; service of notice; guardian ad litem; right to counsel; report; termination of proceedings; order of admission; appeal; confinement in jail prohibited.
Section 44-20-460. Discharge of client; detention of voluntarily admitted client; venue for judicial admission; protective custody for client.
Section 44-20-470. Return of nonresident person with intellectual disability or related disability to agency of state of his residency; reciprocal agreements with other states; detention of person returned by out-of-state agency; expenses.
Section 44-20-480. Placement of client out of home; payment for services.
Section 44-20-490. Placement of client in employment situation; sheltered employment and training programs; compensation of clients.
Section 44-20-500. Order of confinement for client.
Section 44-20-510. Attendance of client in community based public school classes.
Section 44-20-710. Licensing of facilities and programs.
Section 44-20-720. Minimum standards of operation and license programs.
Section 44-20-730. Criteria for issuance of license.
Section 44-20-740. Restrictions as to services; number of clients; form of application for license; term of license; license as not transferrable.
Section 44-20-750. Inspection of facilities; filing copy of bylaws, regulations, and rates of charges; inspection of records.
Section 44-20-760. Disclosure of inspections; protection of names of clients.
Section 44-20-770. Denial, suspension, or revocation of license; grounds.
Section 44-20-780. Notifying operator of program of deficiencies; time for correction; notice of impending denial, suspension, or revocation of license; exception for immediate threat.
Section 44-20-790. Promulgation of regulations governing hearings.
Section 44-20-800. Appeal of decision concerning deficiencies and licenses.
Section 44-20-900. Injunctions; sufficiency of complaint; fines and penalties.
Section 44-20-1000. Licensing by department to be done in conjunction with licensing by agency having responsibility outside the department's jurisdiction; cooperative agreements.
Section 44-20-1110. Department's authority as to state's disabilities and special needs services and programs.
Section 44-20-1120. Raising of money for construction of improvements.
Section 44-20-1130. Limitation on amount of state capital improvement bonds.
Section 44-20-1140. Improvements for residential regional center or community facility; application.
Section 44-20-1150. Powers and duties concerning application for improvements.
Section 44-20-1160. Use of monies derived from revenues.
Section 44-20-1170. Special funds; disposition of revenues; withdrawal of funds.