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U.S. State Codes
Title 17 - Criminal Procedures
Chapter 28 - Post-conviction Dna Testing And Pr...
Chapter 28 - Post-conviction Dna Testing And Preservation Of Evidence
Section 17-28-10. Citation of Article.
Section 17-28-20. Definitions.
Section 17-28-30. Offenses for which post-conviction DNA testing available.
Section 17-28-40. Form and contents of application.
Section 17-28-50. Application for testing; notification of prosecutor, custodian of evidence, and victim; dismissal; successive applications.
Section 17-28-60. Costs and expenses; appointment of counsel for indigent applicant.
Section 17-28-70. Preservation and management of physical evidence and biological material; wilful destruction of evidence.
Section 17-28-80. Preservation of test reports.
Section 17-28-90. Hearing; factors to be proved; orders relating to DNA samples.
Section 17-28-100. Disclosure and use of test results; motion for new trial.
Section 17-28-110. Consent to testing.
Section 17-28-120. Administration expenditure limitation.
Section 17-28-300. Citation of article.
Section 17-28-310. Definitions.
Section 17-28-320. Offenses for which evidence preserved; conditions and duration of preservation.
Section 17-28-330. Registration as custodian of evidence.
Section 17-28-340. Petition for destruction of evidence prior to expiration of required time period.
Section 17-28-350. Wilful destruction.
Section 17-28-360. Failure to preserve; cause of action against responsible entity; right to release.