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U.S. State Codes
Title 1 - Administration of...
Chapter 7 - Attorney General And Solicitors
Chapter 7 - Attorney General And Solicitors
Section 1-7-10. Compensation of Attorney General.
Section 1-7-20. Bond of Attorney General.
Section 1-7-30. Appointment of Assistant Attorneys General.
Section 1-7-40. Appearance for State in Supreme Court and other courts and tribunals.
Section 1-7-50. Defense of actions against public officers and employees.
Section 1-7-55. Counter-claims, cross-actions, or other actions on behalf of public officers and employees.
Section 1-7-60. Investigation required prior to defense of actions against public officers and employees; effect of insurance.
Section 1-7-70. Information obtained pursuant to Sections 1-7-50 and 1-7-60 shall be confidential and inadmissible as evidence.
Section 1-7-80. Conditions attached to appropriation for Attorney General for expenses of litigation.
Section 1-7-85. Reimbursement of costs in representing State in criminal proceedings and State and its officers and agencies in civil and administrative proceedings.
Section 1-7-90. Advice to General Assembly and Governor.
Section 1-7-100. Advice to solicitors; attendance at grand jury and trials.
Section 1-7-110. Advice to State officers and Public Service Commission.
Section 1-7-115. Duties of Division of Securities devolved upon Attorney General.
Section 1-7-117. Duties of Division of Public Charities devolved upon Attorney General.
Section 1-7-120. Action against intruders on property of State.
Section 1-7-130. Protection of public charities and prosecution of corporations.
Section 1-7-140. Annual report to General Assembly.
Section 1-7-150. Accounting to Treasurer; deposit of funds.
Section 1-7-160. Hiring of attorneys.
Section 1-7-170. Engaging attorney on fee basis.
Section 1-7-310. Number, election and terms of solicitors.
Section 1-7-320. Solicitors shall perform duties of Attorney General and assist in prosecutions.
Section 1-7-325. Solicitors to be full-time state employees; compensation; secretary.
Section 1-7-330. Attendance at circuit courts; preparation and publication of docket.
Section 1-7-340. Attendance at inquests and preliminary hearings in capital cases.
Section 1-7-350. Representation of State institutions, departments and agencies; assignment to criminal matters outside circuit.
Section 1-7-360. Compensation of solicitors; disposition of defendants' costs; expenses for services performed outside circuit.
Section 1-7-370. When solicitors may defend accused persons.
Section 1-7-380. Litigation against the State prohibited.
Section 1-7-390. Vacancies.
Section 1-7-396. Full-time solicitor's investigator to have police power.
Section 1-7-400. Circuit solicitors disabled by intoxication.
Section 1-7-405. Appointment of assistant solicitors, investigators and secretaries.
Section 1-7-406. Full-time assistant solicitor and investigator for each judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-407. Receipt and disbursement of funds for employment of assistant solicitor and investigator.
Section 1-7-408. Repealed by 2005 Act No. 164, Section 37, eff June 10, 2005.
Section 1-7-410. Additional duties of solicitor for fourteenth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-420. Assistant solicitor for first judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-430. Additional assistant solicitor for first judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-440. Assistant solicitor for third judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-450. Assistant solicitor for fourth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-460. Assistant solicitors for fifth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-470. Assistant solicitor for seventh judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-480. Assistant solicitor for eighth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-490. Assistant solicitors for ninth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-500. Assistant solicitor for tenth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-510. Assistant solicitor for thirteenth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-520. Assistant solicitor for fourteenth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-530. Assistant solicitor for sixteenth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-533. Special investigator for third judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-540. Special investigator and assistant special investigator for ninth judicial circuit.
Section 1-7-710. Defense of persons claiming under State.
Section 1-7-720. Suits for penalties.
Section 1-7-730. Examination of offices of county officers.
Section 1-7-740. Legal assistance to Dairy Board.
Section 1-7-750. Circuit solicitors authorized to employ outside counsel.
Section 1-7-910. Commission on Prosecution Coordination created.
Section 1-7-920. Commission membership.
Section 1-7-930. Vacancies.
Section 1-7-940. Duties.
Section 1-7-950. Election of chairman and officers.
Section 1-7-960. Executive director; staff.
Section 1-7-970. Compensation; expenses.
Section 1-7-980. Funding.
Section 1-7-990. Promulgation of regulations.
Section 1-7-1000. Salaries of circuit solicitors.
Section 1-7-1100. Creation of Office of the Attorney General, South Carolina Crime Victim Services Division; transfer of existing crime victim services entities.
Section 1-7-1110. Creation of four crime victim services departments under division; confidential information.