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U.S. State Codes
Title 1 - Administration of...
Chapter 3 - Governor And Lieutenant Governor
Chapter 3 - Governor And Lieutenant Governor
Section 1-3-10. Departments, agencies and the like shall furnish information requested by Governor.
Section 1-3-20. Salary of Governor.
Section 1-3-30. Executive chamber, official papers and records.
Section 1-3-40. Private secretary of Governor.
Section 1-3-50. Personal staff of Governor for ceremonial occasions; military secretary.
Section 1-3-60. Governor designation of agency to administer South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council.
Section 1-3-110. Date of installation of Governor.
Section 1-3-120. Vacancy in office of both Governor and Lieutenant Governor.
Section 1-3-125. Filling vacancy in office of Lieutenant Governor.
Section 1-3-130. Disability of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and President of Senate.
Section 1-3-140. Disability of all of officers enumerated in Sections 1-3-120 and 1-3-130.
Section 1-3-150. Term of Governor elected pursuant to Section 1-3-140.
Section 1-3-210. Filling vacancies when Senate not in session.
Section 1-3-215. Appointments by the Governor requiring advice and consent of Senate.
Section 1-3-220. Appointment of certain officers by Governor.
Section 1-3-230. Appointment of poet laureate.
Section 1-3-240. Removal of officers by Governor.
Section 1-3-245. Removal from office of member of state board for three consecutive unexcused absences; vacancy created; requirement of chairman to notify appointing authority; exclusion for ex officio member or designee.
Section 1-3-250. Appeal by officer removed by Governor.
Section 1-3-260. Removal procedure as additional to other removal procedures.
Section 1-3-270. Filling of vacancies created by removal pursuant to Section 1-3-240.
Section 1-3-410. Governor may act to prevent violence.
Section 1-3-420. Proclamation of emergency by Governor.
Section 1-3-430. Orders to prevent danger.
Section 1-3-440. Further powers of Governor.
Section 1-3-450. Intervention by Governor in situations of violence or public disorder.
Section 1-3-460. Governor's powers under article shall be supplemental to powers granted by other laws of State.
Section 1-3-470. Lowering flags upon death in line of duty of firefighter or law enforcement officer.
Section 1-3-480. Authority of Governor to authorize national guard to support federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in drug enforcement matters; delegation of authority.
Section 1-3-490. National Guard Mutual Assistance Counterdrug Activities Compact.
Section 1-3-610. Compensation.
Section 1-3-620. Office of Lieutenant Governor to be part-time.