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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 53 - Membership, Credited Service, Clas...
Chapter 53 - Membership, Credited Service, Classes of Service, and Eligibility for Benefits
Chapter Notes
Section 5301 - Mandatory and optional membership in the system and participation in the plan
Section 5302 - Credited State service
Section 5303 - Retention and reinstatement of service credits
Section 5303.1 - Election to convert county service to State service
Section 5303.2 - Election to convert school service to State service
Section 5304 - Creditable nonstate service
Section 5305 - Social security integration credits
Section 5305.1 - Eligibility for actuarial increase factor
Section 5306 - Classes of service
Section 5306.1 - Election to become a Class AA member
Section 5306.2 - Elections by members of the General Assembly
Section 5306.3 - Election to become a Class A-4 member
Section 5306.4 - Election to become a Class A-6 member or solely a participant in the plan
Section 5306.5 - Election by active members to become a Class A-5 member, Class A-6 member or plan participant
Section 5307 - Eligibility points
Section 5308 - Eligibility for annuities
Section 5308.1 - Eligibility for special early retirement
Section 5308.2 - Eligibility for limited early retirement
Section 5309 - Eligibility for vesting
Section 5309.1 - Eligibility for special vesting
Section 5310 - Eligibility for death benefits
Section 5311 - Eligibility for refunds