The question to be submitted to the voters for the adoption of a home rule charter or any of the optional plans of government authorized by this subpart shall be submitted in one of the following forms or such part of them as shall be applicable.
Shall the Home Rule Charter contained in the report, dated (insert date), of the government study commission, prepared in accordance with the Home Rule Charter and Optional Plans Law, be adopted by the (insert type and name of municipality)?
Shall (insert name of plan), including recommendations pertaining to optional provisions contained in the report of the government study commission, dated (insert date), as authorized by the Home Rule Charter and Optional Plans Law, be adopted by the (insert type and name of municipality)?
Shall the (Home Rule Charter) (Optional Plan) of the (insert type and name of municipality) be repealed and the form of government recommended in the report of the government study commission, dated (insert date), be adopted as authorized by the Home Rule Charter and Optional Plans Law?
Shall an Optional Plan for the (insert type and name of municipality) be amended as specified in the report of the government study commission filed with the election officials of the County of (insert name of county), on (insert date), as authorized by the Home Rule Charter and Optional Plans Law?
Cross References. Section 2925 is referred to in section 2926 of this title.