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U.S. State Codes
Volume : 14 - Drugs and Alc...
Chapter 511 - Local and Special Regulations
Chapter 511 - Local and Special Regulations
Section 511.006 - Definitions.
Section 511.011 - "Mouth" of river defined.
Section 511.016 - Taking striped bass prohibited.
Section 511.060 - Taking salmon for commercial purposes in coastal streams prohibited.
Section 511.070 - Open season for chum salmon and incidental take of salmon in Tillamook Bay; rules.
Section 511.106 - Commercial fishing in Columbia River and tributaries restricted.
Section 511.206 - Taking food fish for commercial purposes in or near Rogue River prohibited.
Section 511.306 - Taking food fish for commercial purposes in certain Curry County waters prohibited.
Section 511.506 - Taking shad for commercial purposes in Coos Bay or in Siuslaw, Umpqua or Smith Rivers restricted.
Section 511.511 - Taking sturgeon for commercial purposes in Umpqua River prohibited.
Section 511.516 - Taking shad for commercial purposes from Coos River prohibited.
Section 511.521 - Taking shad or sturgeon for commercial purposes in Coquille River waters prohibited.
Section 511.606 - Taking food fish for commercial purposes in Nestucca Bay prohibited.
Section 511.611 - Taking shad and sturgeon for commercial purposes in Netarts Bay prohibited.
Section 511.625 - Natural and artificial oyster beds in Netarts Bay.
Section 511.640 - Sale of oyster lands in Tillamook Bay prohibited.
Section 511.806 - Taking salmon, shad, striped bass or sturgeon for commercial purposes in Willamette River prohibited; taking shad for commercial purposes in Willamette Slough restricted.