(a) Weatherize, upgrade and retrofit kindergarten through grade 12 public schools;
(b) Retrofit school bus fleets to operate on compressed natural gas or other alternative fuels such as propane or to operate with high-efficiency types of engines such as hybrid electric engines; or
(c) Replace school bus fleets with school buses that operate on compressed natural gas or other alternative fuels such as propane or that operate with high-efficiency types of engines such as hybrid electric engines.
(2) The projects described in subsection (1) of this section shall be designed to improve energy efficiency, decrease fuel costs, increase use of alternative fuels and decrease emissions of air contaminants.
(3) School districts may finance the projects described in subsection (1) of this section by:
(a) Paying directly for the projects;
(b) Receiving lower interest loans from the Clean Energy Deployment Fund or the Small Scale Local Energy Project Loan Fund, supported by:
(A) Grant moneys from the Jobs, Energy and Schools Fund;
(B) Public purpose charges directed to a school district in areas served by investor-owned utilities under ORS 757.612;
(C) Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds issued under the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 or other federal loan programs; or
(D) Revenues generated by the savings in energy costs resulting from the energy efficiency improvements;
(c) Issuing general obligation bonds, subject to the bond election requirements under ORS 328.210; or
(d) Using any other source of moneys. [2011 c.467 §3]
Note: See note under 470.800.