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U.S. State Codes
Volume : 10 - Highways, Mil...
Chapter 391 - Mass Transportation
Chapter 391 - Mass Transportation
Section 391.090 - Legislative findings; use of lottery moneys for light rail project; policy and intent.
Section 391.110 - Legislative findings.
Section 391.120 - Regional Light Rail Extension Construction Fund; purpose; requirements for expenditures from fund; reversion of unobligated balance.
Section 391.125 - Regional Light Rail Extension Bond Account; purpose.
Section 391.130 - Allocation of lottery moneys to Regional Light Rail Extension Construction Fund; authorized expenditures; end of allocations upon certification by Director of Transportation.
Section 391.140 - Revenue bonds for specified light rail project; amount; purpose; issuance by State Treasurer; pledge of revenues.
Section 391.150 - Joint management of specified light rail project; contracting procedures.
Section 391.301 - Ratification of compact.
Section 391.306 - Columbia River Light Rail Transit Compact.
Section 391.311 - Effect of compact on powers and privileges of mass transit districts in Oregon and Washington.
Section 391.500 - Declaration of policy; construction of statutes.
Section 391.510 - Definitions for ORS 391.500 to 391.660.
Section 391.520 - Financing authority created; membership.
Section 391.530 - Meetings; quorum; expenses.
Section 391.540 - Bylaws; secretary’s duties, power.
Section 391.550 - Powers of Mass Transportation Financing Authority.
Section 391.560 - Lease terms for facility financed by bonds.
Section 391.570 - Bonds; form; conditions; issuance; refunding.
Section 391.580 - Pledges for bonds.
Section 391.590 - Bonds not general obligation of state.
Section 391.600 - Tax exempt status of income, property and bond interest.
Section 391.605 - Limitations on transfer to metropolitan service district.
Section 391.610 - Expenses of authority; borrowed funds.
Section 391.620 - Limitation on transfer of property rights.
Section 391.630 - Investments of surplus moneys.
Section 391.640 - Investment in authority’s bonds authorized.
Section 391.650 - Severability of ORS 391.500 to 391.660.
Section 391.660 - Short title.
Section 391.800 - Elderly and Disabled Special Transportation Fund.
Section 391.802 - Definition for ORS 391.800 to 391.830.
Section 391.810 - Distribution of funds to districts, Indian tribes and counties; rules.
Section 391.815 - Discretionary grant account; purpose; application for grant; grant approval; distribution of moneys.
Section 391.820 - Advisory committees; membership; duties.
Section 391.830 - Use of funds to finance and improve transportation for elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities.