(2) The Superintendent of State Police shall specify a standard pattern and distinctive design for the uniforms required under this subsection and subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The Superintendent of State Police may direct members of the state police to serve without wearing uniform when, in the judgment of the superintendent, serving without uniform makes law enforcement more efficient.
(4)(a) No person other than a member of the Oregon State Police shall wear, use or order to be worn or used, copy or imitate in any respect or manner the standard uniforms specified in subsections (1) and (2) of this section.
(b) As used in this subsection, "person" includes agents, officers and officials elected or appointed by any municipality or county. [Subsections (1) and (2) formerly 181.120; subsection (3) formerly 181.130; subsection (4) formerly 181.140]