(a) The total number of all liquidated and delinquent accounts, and the balance for those accounts, at the beginning of the fiscal year;
(b) The total number of all liquidated and delinquent accounts, and the balance for those accounts, at the end of the fiscal year;
(c) The liquidated and delinquent accounts that have been added during the immediately preceding fiscal year;
(d) The total amount collected on liquidated and delinquent accounts during the immediately preceding fiscal year;
(e) The total amount and total number of liquidated and delinquent accounts that have been written off during the immediately preceding fiscal year;
(f) The total amount and total number of liquidated and delinquent accounts that have been assigned for collection, and the collection efforts made for those accounts, during the immediately preceding fiscal year;
(g) The total amount and total number of liquidated and delinquent accounts that have been turned over to private collection agencies under ORS 1.197 and the total amount that has been collected by those agencies during the immediately preceding fiscal year;
(h) The total amount and total number of accounts that have ceased to be liquidated and delinquent during the fiscal year for reasons other than having been collected or written off;
(i) The total number and total amount of all liquidated and delinquent accounts that have been exempted under ORS 1.199;
(j) A statement indicating whether the reporting state court, commission, department or division in the judicial branch of state government has liquidated and delinquent accounts that are not exempt under ORS 1.198 or 1.199, or are otherwise prohibited or exempted by law from assignment, for which no payment has been received for more than 90 days and that have not been assigned to a private collection agency or to the Department of Revenue under ORS 1.197; and
(k) Any other information necessary to inform the Legislative Fiscal Office of the status of the liquidated and delinquent accounts of the judicial branch of state government.
(2) The Legislative Fiscal Office shall include information on the status of the liquidated and delinquent accounts of the judicial branch of state government in the annual report required under ORS 293.229. The information shall be based on the reports submitted under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The reports required under subsection (1) of this section may be made by the State Court Administrator on behalf of some or all of the state courts and on behalf of some or all of the commissions, departments and divisions in the judicial branch of state government. [2001 c.823 §12; 2015 c.766 §2a]