A. 1. In all informal dispute resolution cases except record review, the State Department of Health shall present the initial arguments.
2. The facility shall then present its arguments.
B. 1. The informal dispute resolution shall be limited to no more than two (2) hours in length, with each party being permitted one (1) hour to present its arguments.
2. However, the impartial decision maker may grant each party additional equal time for good cause as determined by the impartial decision maker.
C. 1. Rules of evidence or procedure shall not apply to the informal dispute resolution except as provided in this section.
2. The impartial decision maker may:
a.accept any information that the impartial decision maker deems material to the issue being presented, and
b.reject any information that the impartial decision maker deems immaterial to the issue being presented.
D. 1. The informal dispute resolution may not be recorded.
2. However, the impartial decision maker may make written or recorded notes of the arguments.
E. Only employees of the facility, attending physicians of residents of the facility at the time of the deficiency, pharmacists providing medications to residents of the facility at the time of the deficiency, and consultant pharmacists or nurse consultants utilized by the facility, or the medical director of the facility may appear or participate in the informal dispute resolution for, or on the behalf of, the facility.
F. Only employees of the Department may appear or participate at the meeting for, or on behalf of, the Department.
G. The State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, or designee, may appear at, or participate in, the meeting.
H. No party may be represented by an attorney.
Added by Laws 2005, c. 460, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 2005.