A. The State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision shall offer a medical licensure examination as necessary to test the qualifications of applicants.
1. Except as otherwise provided, no person shall receive a license to practice medicine and surgery in this state unless he or she passes or has passed all required examinations satisfactory to the Board.
2. The Board shall approve the preparation and administration of any examination, in English, that it deems necessary to determine an applicant's ability to practice medicine and surgery with reasonable skill and safety.
3. Examinations shall be reviewed and scored in a way to ensure the anonymity of applicants.
4. Examinations shall be conducted at least semiannually, provided that there is an applicant.
5. The Board shall specify the minimum score required to pass any examination. The required passing score shall be specified prior to the administration of any examination.
6. Applicants shall be required to pass all examinations with a score as set by rule, within a specific period of time after initial application. Specific requirements for the satisfactory completion of further medical education shall be established by the Board for those applicants seeking to be examined after the specified period of time after initial application.
7. The Board may limit the number of times an applicant may take an examination before the satisfactory completion of further medical education is required of an applicant, provided that this limitation may be waived by the Board for good cause.
8. Fees for any examination shall be paid by an applicant prior to the examination and no later than a date set by the Board.
B. To apply for an examination, an applicant shall provide the Board and attest to the following information and documentation no later than a date set by the Board:
1. His or her full name and all aliases or other names ever used, current address, social security number, and date and place of birth;
2. A signed and notarized photograph of the applicant, taken within the previous twelve (12) months;
3. Originals of all documents and credentials required by the Board, or notarized photocopies or other verification acceptable to the Board of such documents and credentials;
4. A list of all jurisdictions, United States or foreign, in which the applicant is licensed or has applied for licensure to practice medicine and surgery or is authorized or has applied for authorization to practice medicine and surgery;
5. A list of all jurisdictions, United States or foreign, in which the applicant has been denied licensure or authorization to practice medicine and surgery or has voluntarily surrendered a license or an authorization to practice medicine and surgery;
6. A list of all sanctions, judgments, awards, settlements, or convictions against the applicant in any jurisdiction, United States or foreign, that would constitute grounds for disciplinary action under this act or the Board's rules;
7. A detailed educational history, including places, institutions, dates, and program descriptions, of the applicant's education including all college, preprofessional, professional, and professional graduate education;
8. A detailed chronological life history from age eighteen (18) to present, including places and dates of residence, employment, and military service (United States or foreign); and
9. Any other information or documentation specifically requested by the Board that is related to the applicant's eligibility to sit for the examination.
C. No person shall subvert or attempt to subvert the security of any medical licensure examination. The Board shall establish procedures to ensure the security and validity of all medical licensure examinations.
Any individual found by the Board to have engaged in conduct that subverts or attempts to subvert the medical licensing examination process may have his or her scores on the licensing examination withheld and/or declared invalid, be disqualified from the practice of medicine and surgery, and/or be subject to the imposition of other appropriate sanctions. The Board shall notify the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States of any such action.
Conduct that subverts or attempts to subvert the medical licensing examination process shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Conduct that violates the security of the examination materials, such as removal from the examination room of any of the examination materials; reproduction or reconstruction of any portion of the licensure examination; aid by any means in the reproduction or reconstruction of any portion of the licensure examination; sale, distribution, purchase, receipt, or unauthorized possession of any portion of a future, current, or previously administered licensure examination; and/or
2. Conduct that violates the standard of test administration, such as communication with any other examinee during the administration of the licensure examination; copying answers from another examinee or by knowingly permitting one's answers to be copied by another examinee during the administration of the licensure examination; possession during the administration of the licensing examination, unless otherwise required or authorized, of any books, notes, written or printed materials or data of any kind, other than the examination distributed; and/or
3. Conduct that violates the credentialing process, such as falsification or misrepresentation of educational credentials or other information required for admission to the licensure examination; impersonation of an examinee or having an impersonator take the licensure examination on one's behalf.
D. The Board shall provide written notice to all applicants for medical licensure of such prohibitions and of the sanctions imposed for such conduct. A copy of such notice, attesting that the applicant has read and understands the notice, shall be signed by the applicant and filed with the application.
Added by Laws 1994, c. 323, § 18, eff. July 1, 1994. Amended by Laws 1998, c. 324, § 7, emerg. eff. May 28, 1998.