
Section 935.05 - Wildlife shelter permit.

Ohio Rev Code § 935.05 (2019) (N/A)
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(A) A person that possesses a registered dangerous wild animal in this state on October 1, 2013, that wishes to continue to possess the dangerous wild animal on and after January 1, 2014, and that does not intend to propagate the animal shall apply for a wildlife shelter permit under this section.

(B) An applicant for a wildlife shelter permit shall file an application for a permit with the director of agriculture on a form prescribed and provided by the director. An applicant need apply for only one permit regardless of the number of dangerous wild animals that the applicant possesses. The application shall include all of the following:

(1) The name, date of birth, address, social security number, and federal employer identification number, if applicable, of the applicant;

(2) If different from the information provided under division (B)(1) of this section, the name and address of the location where each dangerous wild animal will be confined;

(3) A description of each dangerous wild animal, including the scientific and common names, the name that the applicant has given the animal, the animal's sex, age, color, and weight, and any distinguishing marks or coloration that would aid in the identification of the animal;

(4) The identification number of the microchip that is implanted in each dangerous wild animal and the frequency of the passive integrated transponder contained in the microchip as required in section 935.04 of the Revised Code;

(5) Proof of financial responsibility as required in division (D) of this section;

(6) Except as otherwise provided in this section, proof that the applicant has at least two years of experience in the care of the species of dangerous wild animal or animals that are the subject of the application. If an applicant cannot provide such proof, the applicant shall pass a written examination regarding the care of dangerous wild animals that is established and administered in accordance with rules.

(7) A plan of action to be undertaken if a dangerous wild animal escapes;

(8) Proof that the applicant has established a veterinarian-client relationship as described in section 4741.04 of the Revised Code with regard to each dangerous wild animal;

(9) Any additional information required in rules.

An applicant shall submit a copy of the plan of action required in division (B)(7) of this section to the sheriff of the county and to the chief law enforcement officer and fire chief of the township or municipal corporation having jurisdiction where the dangerous wild animal or animals are confined.

(C) An applicant shall submit one of the following fees, as applicable, with an application:

(1) Two hundred fifty dollars if the applicant possesses not more than three dangerous wild animals;

(2) Five hundred dollars if the applicant possesses at least four, but not more than ten dangerous wild animals;

(3) One thousand dollars if the applicant possesses at least eleven, but not more than fifteen dangerous wild animals;

(4) One thousand dollars if the applicant possesses sixteen or more dangerous wild animals plus an additional one hundred twenty-five dollars for each animal that the applicant possesses in an amount greater than fifteen dangerous wild animals.


(1) An applicant shall obtain and maintain proof of financial responsibility in one of the following forms:

(a) A liability insurance policy with an insurer authorized or approved to write such insurance in this state that covers claims for injury or damage to persons or property caused by a dangerous wild animal possessed by the applicant or any resulting claims against the state;

(b) A surety bond, which shall be executed by a surety company authorized to do business in this state that covers claims for injury or damage to persons or property caused by a dangerous wild animal possessed by the applicant or any resulting claims against the state. The bond shall be in a form approved by the director of agriculture.

(2) Proof of financial responsibility shall be in one of the following amounts, as applicable:

(a) Two hundred thousand dollars if the applicant possesses not more than five dangerous wild animals;

(b) Five hundred thousand dollars if the applicant possesses at least six, but not more than fifteen dangerous wild animals;

(c) One million dollars if the applicant possesses sixteen or more dangerous wild animals.

The amounts specified in division (D)(2) of this section shall be for each occurrence of injury or damage.

Added by 129th General AssemblyFile No.113, SB 310, §1, eff. 9/5/2012.