
Section 738.02 - Election of members - notice.

Ohio Rev Code § 738.02 (2019) (N/A)
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On the second Monday of the month following the determination of the board or officer having control of the health department of the municipal corporation to create a sanitary police pension fund, an election shall be held to choose five trustees from the sanitary police force. Such board or officer shall give notice thereof by posting it in a conspicuous place at the headquarters of such force. Between the hours of nine a.m. and six p.m. of the day designated, each person in the sanitary police force who, by its rules, is designated a member thereof, shall send by mail or otherwise, in writing, the names of five members of the force who are his choice for trustees.

All votes so cast shall be counted and canvassed by such board or officer, who shall announce the result, and the five members receiving the highest number of votes shall be members of the board of trustees of the sanitary police pension fund for the ensuing year. If any two persons receive a tie vote for such office, it shall be decided by lot or in any other way agreed upon by the persons for whom such tie vote was cast.

The members so elected shall serve for one year. Elections for successors shall be held each year upon the second Monday of the same month in which the first election is held. In case of vacancy by death, resignation, or otherwise among such members, the remaining members of the board of trustees shall choose a successor who shall serve until the next election. Such board shall administer and distribute the sanitary police pension fund.

Effective Date: 07-01-1985 .