
Section 5543.05 - County engineer to assign expense of road or bridge.

Ohio Rev Code § 5543.05 (2019) (N/A)
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The county auditor shall, before drawing a warrant for any moneys expended by the county on any highways, other than intercounty or state highways, or on any bridges or culverts on the highways, require of the county engineer the assignment of the expense to the highway and section of it, bridge, or culvert in connection with which the expense was incurred. The auditor shall keep such records as are necessary to show clearly at the close of each year the amount of money expended from the county treasury on each section of highway, other than intercounty or state highways, and on each bridge and culvert on the highways.

The township fiscal officer shall, before drawing any warrant for money expended upon any road within the township, other than an intercounty or state highway, or on bridges or culverts on the roads, require of the county engineer or board of township trustees the assignment of the expense to the road and section of it, bridge, or culvert in connection with which the expense was incurred. The fiscal officer may keep such additional records as are necessary to show clearly at the close of each year the amount of money expended from the township funds on each section of road, other than intercounty or state highways, within the township, and on each bridge and culvert on the roads. The board of township trustees may require the fiscal officer to keep those additional records.

When general equipment or material for use in the entire county or township is purchased, the expense of the equipment or material need not be assigned to any section of road or to any bridge or culvert, but, insofar as practicable, all items of expense shall be assigned to the specific section of road or to the particular bridge or culvert in connection with which they were incurred.

The director of transportation may prescribe all necessary and proper forms for maps and reports to be maintained by engineers, boards, auditors, and fiscal officers. All auditors and fiscal officers may be required by the director to transmit to the director, in the form the director prescribes, the cost records they are required by law to keep pertaining to roads, bridges, and culverts within their counties or townships.

Effective Date: 07-01-1985; 12-20-2005 .