(A) The Ohio general assembly hereby states the following beliefs with regard to the Ohio works first program:
(1) That the first priority for minor heads of household and adults participating in the program is to work, which includes keeping an employer's schedule and satisfying the employer's work requirements, and to develop marketable skills.
(2) That many minor heads of household and adults participating in the program need to complete high school or receive training for an occupation in order to qualify for employment.
(B) The general assembly recognizes that some provisions of the Ohio works first program as operated pursuant to federal waivers granted by the United States secretary of health and human services pursuant to requests made under former section 5101.09 of the Revised Code enacted by Substitute House Bill No. 167 of the 121st general assembly and pursuant to requests made under section 5107.30 of the Revised Code, regarding the LEAP program, prior to the enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 ( P.L. 104-193 ) are inconsistent with that act. It is the intent of the general assembly to rely on the federal waivers for authority to conduct the program in the manner specified in this chapter to ensure the work readiness of program participants by requiring at least twenty hours of weekly participation in work activities, including, except as limited by division (B)(2) of section 5107.43 of the Revised Code, a work activity established under section 5107.58 of the Revised Code in which a participant is enrolled full-time in post-secondary education leading to vocation, and no more than ten hours of weekly participation in developmental activities in accordance with sections 5107.40 to 5107.69 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 10-01-1997.