
Section 4121.38 - Impairment evaluation.

Ohio Rev Code § 4121.38 (2019) (N/A)
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(A) The industrial commission shall:

(1) Implement a program of impairment evaluation training for its staff physicians;

(2) Issue a manual of commission policy as to impairment evaluation so as to increase consistency of medical reports. This manual shall be available to the public at cost but shall be provided free to all physicians who treat claimants or to whom claimants are referred for evaluation. The commission shall take steps to ensure that the manual receives the widest possible distribution to physicians.

(3) Develop a method of peer review of medical reports prepared by the commission referral doctors;

(4) Issue a policy manual as to the basis upon which referrals to other than commission specialists will be made;

(5) Designate two hearing examiners and two medical staff members who shall be specially trained in medical-legal analysis. The specialists shall write evaluations of medical-legal problems upon assignment by other hearing examiners or the commission. The director of administrative services upon commission advice shall assign such employees to a salary schedule commensurate with expertise required of them.

(6) Require that prior to any examination, a physician to whom a claimant is referred for examination receives all necessary medical information in the claim file about the claimant and a complete statement as to the purpose of the examination.

(B) The commission may establish a medical section within the commission to perform the duties assigned to the commission under this section.

Effective Date: 1989 HB222 11-03-1989 .