With respect to property, both real and personal, owned or acquired by a metropolitan housing authority for the purpose of exercising the powers set forth in sections 3735.27 to 3735.50, inclusive, of the Revised Code, such authority shall make annual payments to the county treasurer for distribution in the maximum amounts consistent with obtaining federal assistance under the "United States Housing Act of 1937" as now or hereafter amended, and general regulations or orders issued thereunder, provided no such annual payments shall be in an amount which would reduce the local contributions in the form of tax exemption to an amount below that required to enable such authority to receive the annual contributions contracted to be paid by the federal government in connection with such project, nor shall any such payment exceed the taxes which would be payable on the project if it were not tax exempt. Such payments shall be made to and shall be received by the treasurer on the certification of the county auditor to be credited to a fund to be designated as the "undivided public housing fund" and shall be distributed to the taxing subdivisions levying taxes in the subdivisions in which the property is located, in the same proportions in which the current general property tax is distributed.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953.