The board of trustees of a church organization or of a religious or charitable society or association, or such organization or religious or charitable society or association itself if incorporated, and all persons holding title to property in trust for it, may, upon a two-thirds vote of the members of the organization present and voting at a meeting called and held for that purpose, lease, transfer, convey, or encumber such property to other boards of trustees of the same denomination, or to the board of trustees of such organization, society, or association itself if incorporated in this state; but such lease, transfer, conveyance, or encumbrance shall be made only when the property transferred, leased, or encumbered, the proceeds thereof, or the revenue arising from the use thereof is still to be used for the religious, missionary, church, or specified charitable purposes for which such property is held at the time of such lease, transfer, conveyance, or encumbrance.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953 .