
Section 1571.04 - Gas storage well inspector to examine maps.

Ohio Rev Code § 1571.04 (2019) (N/A)
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(A) Upon the filing of each map or amended map with the division of oil and gas resources management by operators of gas storage reservoirs as required by this chapter, and each coal mine map with the division of mineral resources management as required by sections 1563.03 to 1563.05 and division (A) of section 1571.03 of the Revised Code, the gas storage well inspector shall cause an examination to be made of all maps on file in those divisions as the gas storage well inspector may deem necessary to ascertain whether any part of a reservoir protective area as shown on any such map is within ten thousand linear feet of any part of the boundary of a coal mine as shown on any such map. If, upon making that examination, the gas storage well inspector finds that any part of such a reservoir protective area is within ten thousand linear feet of any part of the boundary of such a coal mine, the gas storage well inspector shall promptly send by registered mail notice to that effect to the operator of the reservoir and to the operator of the coal mine.

(B) Within sixty days after receipt by an operator of a gas storage reservoir of a notice from the gas storage well inspector under division (A) of this section, such operator shall file on the same day with both the division of mineral resources management and the division of oil and gas resources management identical maps prepared by a registered surveyor, registered engineer, or competent geologist, which shall do all of the following:

(1) Indicate the stratum or strata in which such gas storage reservoir is located;

(2) Show the location of the boundary of the reservoir and the boundary of its protective area, and the known fixed monuments, corner stones, or other permanent markers in such boundary lines;

(3) Show the boundary lines of the counties, townships, and sections or lots that are within the limits of such maps, and the name of each such county and township and the number of each such section or lot clearly indicated thereon;

(4) Show the location of all oil or gas wells known to the operator of such reservoir that have been drilled within the boundary of the reservoir or within its protective area, and indicate which of such wells, if any, have been or are to be plugged or reconditioned for use in the operation of such reservoir.

The location of the boundary of the gas storage reservoir as shown on the maps shall be defined by the location of those wells around the periphery of the reservoir that had no gas production when drilled into the storage stratum of the reservoir, provided that, if the operator of the reservoir, upon taking into consideration the number and nature of such wells, the geological and production knowledge of the storage stratum, its character, permeability, and distribution, and operating experience, determines that the location of the boundary of the reservoir should be differently defined, the reservoir operator may, on the maps, show the boundary of the reservoir to be located at a location different from the location defined by the location of those wells around the periphery of the reservoir that had no gas production when drilled into the storage stratum.

(C) Any coal mine operator who receives from the gas storage well inspector a copy of a map as provided by division (E) of this section may request the gas storage well inspector to furnish the coal mine operator with:

(1) The name of the original operator of any well shown on such map;

(2) The date drilling of such well was completed;

(3) The total depth of such well;

(4) The depth at which oil or gas was encountered in such well if it was productive of oil or gas;

(5) The initial rock pressure of such well;

(6) A copy of the log of the driller of such well or other similar data;

(7) The location of such well in respect to the property lines of the tract of land on which it is located;

(8) A statement as to whether the well is inactive or active:

(a) If inactive, the date of plugging and other pertinent data;

(b) If active, whether it is being used for test purposes or storage purposes.

(9) A statement of the maximum injection pressure contemplated by the operator of the reservoir shown on such map.

Upon receipt of such a request, the gas storage well inspector shall promptly furnish the coal mine operator the information requested. If the information is not ascertainable from the files in the division of oil and gas resources management, the gas storage well inspector shall request the reservoir operator to furnish the division with such information to the extent that the reservoir operator has knowledge thereof. Upon receipt of such a request, the reservoir operator shall promptly furnish such information to the division. Thereupon the gas storage well inspector shall promptly transmit such information to the mine operator who requested it.

Whenever the operator of a gas storage reservoir determines that the location of the boundary of the reservoir as shown on the most recent map thereof on file in the division pursuant to this section is incorrect, the reservoir operator shall file with the division an amended map showing the boundary of the reservoir to be located at the location that the reservoir operator then considers to be correct.

(D) Each operator of a gas storage reservoir who files with the division of mineral resources management and the division of oil and gas resources management maps as required by this section shall, at the end of each six-month period following the date of such filing, file with each division identical amended maps showing changes in the boundary line of the reservoir or of the reservoir's protective area that have occurred in the six-month period, and further showing or describing any other occurrences within that six-month period that cause the most recent maps on file and pertaining to the reservoir to no longer be correct. Nothing in this division shall be construed to require such a reservoir operator to file an amended map at the end of any such six-month period if no boundary changes or other occurrences have occurred in that period. The operator of the reservoir shall also file with the division of mineral resources management and the division of oil and gas resources management, subsequent to the filing of maps as provided for in division (B) of this section, a statement whenever changing the maximum injection pressure is contemplated, stating for each affected well within the boundary of the reservoir or its protective area, the amount of change of injection pressure contemplated. The location or drilling of new wells or the abandonment or reconditioning of wells shall not be considered to be occurrences requiring the filing of an amended map or statement.

(E) Promptly upon the filing with the division of oil and gas resources management of a map or an amended map pertaining to a gas storage reservoir under this section, the gas storage well inspector shall send by registered mail to the operator of the coal mine a part of the boundary of which is within ten thousand linear feet of any part of the boundary of the reservoir or of the outside boundary of the reservoir's protective area, notice of the filing together with a copy of the map.

(F) When the operator of a gas storage reservoir files with the division of mineral resources management and the division of oil and gas resources management maps or amended maps under this section, the reservoir operator shall file as many copies of the maps as each division may require for its files and as are needed for sending a copy to each coal mine operator under division (E) of this section.

Amended by 129th General AssemblyFile No.28, HB 153, §101.01, eff. 9/29/2011.

Effective Date: 06-14-2000 .